Today I want to talk about a topic that many of us may have heard or experienced ourselves. Namely the fear of commitment!
It is important to understand that fear of commitment is not uncommon and can affect many people. People with commitment anxiety may have difficulty committing to a relationship. They often withdraw and create distance from other people to protect themselves from possible pain.
Where does this fear come from?
There can be various reasons for this, such as previous traumatic experiences, insecurity or fear of injury. Losses in early childhood
- Death & divorce of parents
- Narcissistic parents
- Lack of emotional care.
What to do if he/she suffers from it?
If you know someone who may be suffering from commitment anxiety, it's important to be empathetic and patient. It can be helpful to talk openly about your fears and concerns and to look for solutions together or seek professional support.
If you feel fear of commitment yourself
It's important not to judge yourself. It's challenging, but there are ways to deal with this fear.
Make a list. Write down your fears and then consciously look at your fears.